Tuesday, December 8, 2009

An ordinary day turning into a traumatic one

Today was just another of those boring mondays when you hate to get up so EARLY in the morning and go to college. The main reason why i didnt bunk today was due to some Machine drawing classes which consume 3 continuous hours. The afternoon was boring as usual but some quality time was spent on playing cards which Ganesh brought :)
Everything was as fine as it could ever be,till evening at around 7 45pm when i heard the shocking news that one of our batchmates of Electronics branch committed suicide for some reason yet to be known[atleast to me] !! The idea of getting some free hours didnt excite me at all since i couldnt yet(till the point i am typing) grasp or accept the darn reality ..

How fast things can change! See I am not much of an emotional waala. I mean,these days we are used to such news as it daily appears on newspaper ,we dont care to read through them,let alone sympathize with those families. Neither do I know nor have i seen this lady. That doesnt stop me from shedding a tear or two. This is an ever-aggravating issue in this society which should be dealt with soon. I dont know how to explain clearly my state of mind as of now,maybe a mix of anguish,anger,pain bla bla!! There maybe many reasons,but try to face the reality rather than run away like a coward! No one can always be happy,no one can always be victorious,everyone has their ups and downs in life,there maybe some point in life where you feel like you should not have been born But ending the life on dope or rope is SILLY. Life is given to you,not for you to end it as you wish. You have to live each and every moment and thats the exact meaning of the life given to you. You should be bold enough to face any situation even if there are adverse ones. If i am personally askd to point out the reasons for suicide,the first ones which come to my mind are :
* Society and adverse circumstances
* The background from which one is brought up
* Sad attitude

Suicide rate in Kerala is around 26.5 per 100000 population while taking India as a whole,the figure is approx 11.5 per 100000 population(as in 2008). I dont have to elaborate more,as these figures explains all. Some measures have to be taken,and sooner the better.
I am deeply saddened by this news. I wish that I hear less of such incidents in the future.. Let her soul rest in peace!!


PJC said...

Hmmm.. Just started to read ur blog.. Interesting so far.. Sad to hear abt this batchmate of ours..

Deepal said...

and yea the batchmate :|