Saturday, December 19, 2009

Holidays started(virtually) :D

If you are pursuing mechanical course in any college,you might get an idea of what i am saying !!
Classes were to be suspended for the christmas holidays from 18th,but it was not supposed to be so. A massbunk was initiated and carried out quite successfully. Thereby for the Mechancial branch,holidays startd from 16th [:P] The main reason is that the hostelites want to reach home early so that they can spent more time with their family and friends out there. The reality is that there are hostelites in other branches too. Mechanical has the guts to do that. I can say for sure that Mechanical branch is the identity of any btech college. Period!

PS : This is going down as a post not because its for the first time [:D] I had intended to post this on the night of 16th itself,but drowsiness had taken its toll on me. The last 2 days had a busy schedule in store for me,and thats the reason for the lateness. The reason for the post is quite simple-

"I am not so proud of the college that i got into,but i am indeed proud of the course that I am pursuing"


PJC said...

haha!! post dripping the typical Mech arrogance!! :P cant blame ya bro.. I would be the same too if i had been there.. Mech RULES!!
BTW dont see CET as too low a deal.. Its not "THAT" bad.. it does have its status...

Deepal said...

Yea da..
Reputation wise,its okay..
I mean,i am not liking the environment much :|
BTW hows stephens? :D

PJC said...

haha.. do u even have to ask?? i love it here!

Deepal said...

:) Enjoy mate

Unknown said...

Am i allowed to spam here??=)

and y r weird words coin up in word verification :O