Thursday, December 24, 2009

Ritu-Seasons :)

I am hell bored sitting at home and idling away. Christmas holidays werent as great as expected. Various ideas of outings were planned and called off because of one reason or other. As expected,tv channels aired a number of films,most of them being recent releases,inorder to attract viewers as this is christmas season. Most of 'em having bombed at the BO. Parunthu,Red chillies,lollipop to name a few. But Kairali tv,for a change,came up with a better movie. Indeed the best one among all mallu channels. I was awe-struck on seeing the movie Ritu.
Directed by Shyamaprasad of 'Agnisakshi' , 'Akale' and 'Ore kadal' fame,there is a minimum guarantee that this will not be one of those slapstick 'entertainers' with no content. Its such a memorable movie that at the end,it leaves you in complete nostalgia. Casting youngsters is a tough job,especially in mallu industry. Hats off to Shyamaprasad for having the courage to do so,in this movie which tackles the complex issues of the present world and come out with flying colours. This film may not be a commercial success but I recommend this movie to all. I assure you that you wont be disappointed after watching it.

With the today's world as the backdrop,Ritu discusses issues related to contemporary life and society,and also diverse themes such as the certainity of transition,the fantasies of the present youth and above all the incessant flow of life. This is all about 3 childhood friends who had various dreams which never realized,as they were dragged to IT world. How this new world affects their lives forms the rest of the story.

The tagline for the film is apt.
"Seasons change. Do we?"

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas time

Its christmas time.
I presume all you guys are having one heck of a time.
Wishing you a Merry christmas !!

Have a blast guys!!
Till then bye. Tc

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Holidays started(virtually) :D

If you are pursuing mechanical course in any college,you might get an idea of what i am saying !!
Classes were to be suspended for the christmas holidays from 18th,but it was not supposed to be so. A massbunk was initiated and carried out quite successfully. Thereby for the Mechancial branch,holidays startd from 16th [:P] The main reason is that the hostelites want to reach home early so that they can spent more time with their family and friends out there. The reality is that there are hostelites in other branches too. Mechanical has the guts to do that. I can say for sure that Mechanical branch is the identity of any btech college. Period!

PS : This is going down as a post not because its for the first time [:D] I had intended to post this on the night of 16th itself,but drowsiness had taken its toll on me. The last 2 days had a busy schedule in store for me,and thats the reason for the lateness. The reason for the post is quite simple-

"I am not so proud of the college that i got into,but i am indeed proud of the course that I am pursuing"

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

An ordinary day turning into a traumatic one

Today was just another of those boring mondays when you hate to get up so EARLY in the morning and go to college. The main reason why i didnt bunk today was due to some Machine drawing classes which consume 3 continuous hours. The afternoon was boring as usual but some quality time was spent on playing cards which Ganesh brought :)
Everything was as fine as it could ever be,till evening at around 7 45pm when i heard the shocking news that one of our batchmates of Electronics branch committed suicide for some reason yet to be known[atleast to me] !! The idea of getting some free hours didnt excite me at all since i couldnt yet(till the point i am typing) grasp or accept the darn reality ..

How fast things can change! See I am not much of an emotional waala. I mean,these days we are used to such news as it daily appears on newspaper ,we dont care to read through them,let alone sympathize with those families. Neither do I know nor have i seen this lady. That doesnt stop me from shedding a tear or two. This is an ever-aggravating issue in this society which should be dealt with soon. I dont know how to explain clearly my state of mind as of now,maybe a mix of anguish,anger,pain bla bla!! There maybe many reasons,but try to face the reality rather than run away like a coward! No one can always be happy,no one can always be victorious,everyone has their ups and downs in life,there maybe some point in life where you feel like you should not have been born But ending the life on dope or rope is SILLY. Life is given to you,not for you to end it as you wish. You have to live each and every moment and thats the exact meaning of the life given to you. You should be bold enough to face any situation even if there are adverse ones. If i am personally askd to point out the reasons for suicide,the first ones which come to my mind are :
* Society and adverse circumstances
* The background from which one is brought up
* Sad attitude

Suicide rate in Kerala is around 26.5 per 100000 population while taking India as a whole,the figure is approx 11.5 per 100000 population(as in 2008). I dont have to elaborate more,as these figures explains all. Some measures have to be taken,and sooner the better.
I am deeply saddened by this news. I wish that I hear less of such incidents in the future.. Let her soul rest in peace!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

100 Truths ??

A Random Tag i borrowed from someone's blog as i browsed through..which i felt like doing it due to 2 reasons.. (i) I found this interesting.. (ii) I am bored to the core [sad]

1. Last beverage – Strong cup of 'chaaya' [:)]
2. Last phone call- Dad [:D]
3. Last text message – Ganesh
4. Last song you listened to – I dont care [Apocalyptica] - Courtesy Prathik
5. Last time you cried – Yesterday night??

6.Dated someone twice? – No
7. Been cheated on? – Maybe
8. Cried yourself to sleep? – Yes, more than once :|
9. Lost someone special? – F'corz yea [:(]
10. Been depressed? – Yes,to be frank
11. seen ghosts – nope..

15.Made new friends – Yea
16. Fallen out of love – Yea [:(]
17. Laughed until you cried – yea..was lol'ing all over that many felt i was insane
18. Met someone who changed you – YEA !!
19. Found out who your true friends were – Yea
20. Found out someone was talking about you – Yea
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list - Yea ..
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life ? –absolutely no idea…around a 100 I guess…
23. How many kids do you want to have – LoL. Will try my best to reduce it to 2 [:P]
24. Do you have any pets – Yea.. a cross of an elephant in a dog [:O] [:D]
25. Do you want to change your name – Whats wrong in 'Deepal' .. I personally love it
26. What did you do for your last birthday – mm.. nothing special [:D]
27. What time did you wake up today – 10:15 am
28. What were you doing at midnight last night – On the phone.
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for – Finish with B.Tech
30. Last time you saw your father – Last month or so
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life – Should not have opted for btech
32. What are you listening to right now – See #4 .. am still listening :D
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom – Tom :O Hell no :|
34. What's getting on your nerves right now? Nothing :) Wait .. ah something :|
36. Whats your real name - Deepal Vivekanandan
37. Relationship Status – Committed to my friends,family and Counterstrike.
38. Zodiac sign - Libra
39. Male or female – Male
40. Natural Hair color? - Black
41. Hair color now – Black
42. Pet Peeve – Fucking kseb(@ulloor) frequently cutting electricity,citing weird reasons as in the guy's(who takes the f'cking phone) fucking dad drove a fucking truck onto the fucking post :|
43. Need Glasses- Judging by the amount of hours i spent in front of my pc,Yes !!
44. Long or short – I am happy with this :D
45. Height - 5'10
46. Do you have a crush on someone – Yes I do.
47. What do you like about yourself? – Absolutely nothing :| except for the fact that i have got good parents and friends
48. Piercings – Nope
49. Tattoos – Not yet :)
50. Righty or lefty – Righty.. :D

51. First surgery – None so far.
52. First piercing – Fuck !! See #48 :|
53. First tattoo - Again :| Nope
54. First best friend – My mom..From my school it's Aditya.. In college it ought to be Vivek :)
55. First sport you joined – Musical chair [:D]
56. First pet – a puppy
57. First vacation – Kallara (my native place)
59. First crush-
60. First alcoholic drink – Beer [the stepping stone to future 'success' :P]

61. Eating – Nothing [Its around 2 in the morning]
62. Wearing – A branded three fourth :P .. and a shirt
63. I'm about to - Switch on utorrent and then start gaming :D
64. Speaking to – none
65. Waiting to – be done with lab exams which remain
66. Want kids? – Nope
67. Want to get married? – Yea !!
68. Careers in mind? – Management[hopefully]

69. Lips or eyes – eyes
70. Hugs or kisses – Both [:D]
71. Shorter or taller- I just dont care.. still i prefer a lil shorter one
72. Older or Younger – Older :P
73. Romantic or spontaneous – Spontaneously romantic…
74. Nice stomach or nice arms – Both and much more :P
75. Tattoos or piercings- I prefer pierced ears alone.. :|
76. Sensitive or loud- sensitive…
77. Hook-up or relationship – Get hooked-up in a relationship
78. Trouble maker or hesitant- Of corz' Trouble Maker

79. Kissed a stranger – Adult?? No :)
80. Drank hard liquor - No
81. Lost glasses/contacts – Sad n73's memory problem..i lose my contacts once in a while [:P]
82. Sex on first date – Nope
83. Broken someones heart – Yea
84. Had your own heart broken – Sadly yes [:(]
85. Been arrested?- Should have been :D
86. Turned someone down - Yes.
87. Cried when someone died - Yes.
88. got someone into trouble intentionally – LMAO [hope you dont read this :D]

89. Yourself – Once in a while :)
90. Miracles – Yes
91. Love at first sight – No
92. Heaven – on Earth, maybe. Up there-Again Maybe
93. Santa Claus – nope
94. Kissing on the first date? - No :|
95. Angels – No

96. Is there one person you want to be with right now? – Yes.
97. Had more than one boyfriend/ girlfriend at one time? – :| nope
98. Do you believe it’s possible to remain faithful forever? – Yes.
99. What's the one thing you cannot live without? – Mobile and pc :| [now thats two things :D]
100. Posting this as 100 truths? – See the title

4th Semester begins :|

Oct 2
So .. Here starts the 4th after a brief sem-break of 6 days..(Can it be even called a sem break :D)
We never change [:P] ... Bunked the first day Where we went after that,you all can guess :D

Oct 3
I reach college by sharp 9 10am We were supposed to have IC Engines lab,but since the lab exams were going on for seniors we were to give just the attendance and go to some library to refer texts on the same[:P]
Around 10 15 am i reached my cousins house [:D] ..We,cousins had planned a get together after a LONG time..

Oct 4
Due to some reasons,i couldnt go to the college.. I got up at around 10 30 am to see a message unread..
Anand : "Da no classes here.. we coming to your house".. We spent some pretty productive hours playing cards :D
Now i managed to steal one hour from my CS schedule for blogging :)


Some private college in trivandrum have their classes starting only on Dec 28th.. [Weep]
This indirectly implies our exams will not start before may !! It has been rumoured that there is no sembreak for s3 because the goddamn fucking university plans to give a 2 month sembreak after s4 exams which now in all probability is not gonna happen

Now its Sehwags way to blaze into the record books with his brilliant 293(off just 254 deliveries) with 40 boundaries and 7 huge maximums.. [:O] Now thats some breathtaking statistics !! and it was more breath-taking for the spectators as well as for the srilankan team which were at the receiving end ... Its another case of "So close yet so far "... Missed out on a record 3rd Triple by just 7 runs ..

Its almost 11pm and Mom is calling for dinner :D